Sunday, February 5, 2012

Tips & Tricks

It has come to my attention that a lot of people don't know a lot about computers and photos.  I am going to try to add tips and tricks for everyone interested.

Photography:  check your settings on you camera.  if you like printing 4x6 photos, set your ratio to 2:3 so your photo isn't cropped when you go to print. 

Photography:  your resolution should be set on a medium size for good quality prints.  If you are going for a better quality print, like a family photo, set your resolution to large.

Photography:  most pictures printed on home printer will 'bleed' if they get wet.  Just be cautious!

Photography:  35mm film has an expiration date.  be sure to get your film processed within the time of expiration.  if it has already expired, get it processed right away as the longer you wait the worse your pictures get.
Photography:  storing all your photos on facebook is NOT a good idea.  back up your photos on a CD or some other storage device.  Facebook has to shrink or compact the photo to fit so many pictures on their webpages, downloading them back to your computer does not enlarge them again.

Photography/Computer:  computer hard drives get old within a few years and die.  Make sure you have your photos and documents backed up on another drive or on CD/DVD.   I suggest you keep the copy or backup not at the same location as the originals in case of fire or flood, put it at grandma's house or in a safe deposit box.

Computer:  a DVD can be used as a storage device or for videos.  Using a DVD as a storage device is the difference between using a small overnight suitcase (CD) or a large checked suitcase (DVD)... one holds more.

Computer:  a computer can only have one anti-virus installed at a time.  Having 2 virus protections is like having 2 wives in a home, they fight for control.  Malware Bytes is a companion to a virus protection.  It is like the wife's best friend, however she only does spring cleaning when you invite her to.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Graduation announcements

It is that time again.  Youth are graduating from school and they are scrambling last minute to get their announcements made and mailed.  I have recently created some announcements and wanted to share a few.